Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Perfect Practice Makes for Perfect Performance

In preparation for the competition (in 3 weeks and 4 days!), our team is prepared for 6 practice sessions which will include tutorials and a full run through of a case. We are fortunate to have some of the finest faculty here at the Maine Business School act as guides as we gear up for competition!

For those who aren't sure what this process is all about, here is a excerpt from the rules of the case competition (very abridged version):

"Teams will normally have three hours to analyze the case and to prepare exhibits in support of an oral presentation to a panel of Judges. . . Each team will have a strictly enforced maximum of 25 minutes to make its presentation followed by a 15 minute question and answer period with the Judges’ panel. . ." And perhaps the scariest part, "Cue cards and personal notes are not allowed for the presentation." :)

The best part of all of this (in my humble opinion, of course) is that we are the perceived underdog in the competition - and since I always root for the underdog - those other schools won't know what hit 'em!

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